Irritable bowel syndrome often referred to as I.B.S., spastic colon or spastic colitis is the most common intestinal disorder seen by doctors today. Approximately 22 million people in the United States or 10% to 20% of the world population, 2/3's of whom are women suffer from I.B.S.
Usually I.B.S. starts in early adulthood and in most cases occurs before the age of forty. The symptoms of I.B.S. may fluctuate over time but usually exist throughout the person's life. If you have been experiencing cramps or abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, gas and bloating or some of these symptoms for the past month or longer you may have I.B.S.
Cramps or abdominal pain can be sharp or dull, steady or intermitted and it usually occurs on the lower left side of the abdomen. An additional symptom associated with abdominal cramping can be an "urgent" bowel movement usually following a meal to relieve abdominal pain and pressure
Usually a person with I.B.S. will either have diarrhea or constipation predominately. What causes diarrhea or constipation depends on where and how often your digestion system get disrupted by cramps and spasms.
The feeling of excessive gas in the lower abdomen or feeling full after eating a small meal is due to spasms or cramps in the intestinal walls which compresses normal amounts of gas.
Below is a questionnaire that you can complete to determine if you are a I.B.S. candidate. Click the numerical answer for each question that most accurately indicates how you have been feeling during the past month. After completing all 19 questions, total or add up your numeric scores before submitting your answers. As always, you should consult your doctor for further testing and proper diagnosis. All information collected will remain confidential and will not be shared or sold to any agency.